2013 Federal Income Tax Estimator
Estate Tax Planning - Knowing your potential estate tax liability is a great place to start your estate tax plan. Use this calculator to estimate your estate tax liability.
Pension Plan Retirement Options - Use this calculator to help decide which pension option works best for your particular retirement needs.

Manzi & Associates L.L.C.
Certified Public Accountants

Who We Are

Our Firm
Manzi & Associates L.L.C. was organized in Essex County, Massachusetts, in 1974. Currently, our main office is located at 855 Turnpike Street, North Andover, Massachusetts. We have been fortunate enough to establish ourselves in the New England area and continue our efforts to develop our practice.
The Firm is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) engaged in the general practice of public accounting. The practice includes accounting and auditing services, tax planning and preparation, management advisory services and computer consulting. Our diverse client base includes Taft Hartley, health and welfare funds, pension funds, savings & annuity funds, all types of retirement plans, legal funds, all types of nonprofit organizations, commercial business, professional firms, industrial firms, and individuals. We specialize in this area and a significant portion of our client base is comprised of these types of plans.
Manzi & Associates L.L.C. is an integrated company which exercises specific quality control procedures and also members of the Massachusetts Society for CPA's and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. We are licensed to practice in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. We are also members of the Labor Guild Archdiocese of Boston, The International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, New England Benefits Council and The Massachusetts Coalition of Taft-Hartley Funds, Inc. Most importantly, our Firm is a member of the AICPA Employee Benefit Audit Quality Center. This specialty membership generates many important benefit tools to serve you.
The Partners of the Firm are an integral part of the audit team. They are not only involved in supervising staff but are directly involved in planning the audit, reviewing internal controls, designing audit procedures, meeting with client management, and developing reports and government returns and conducting the actual audit. We believe this level of involvement is necessary to provide our clients with personal attention and to effectively respond to their requests and needs.
The Firm of Manzi & Associates L.L.C. has expanded in size and diversity in order to provide our clients with the highest quality accounting services including auditing, financial statement presentation, planning and consulting. We are committed to remaining current with the rapidly-changing needs of our clients. ERISA and nonprofit organizations are subject to complex and specialized accounting, financial reporting, auditing, compliance testing, tax, and legal requirements. Auditor expertise is a critical service as several federal and state agencies scrutinize the annual reports filed. Manzi & Associates L.L.C. is well versed in the auditing of Taft-Hartley ERISA employee benefit and nonprofit organizations.
Our Team
Our team of professionals are specially trained to provide high quality services to employee benefit plans, labor and member organizations, nonprofit entities, corporations and individuals. Members of the firm are required in accordance with firm quality control procedures, to maintain a minimum of forty hours annually of continuing professional education in the area of ERISA employee benefit and nonprofit auditing and accounting.

Jeanne M. Mickel, CPA
Managing Partner
Theresa L. Hussey, CPA

Massachusetts Peer Review
Manzi & Associates L.L.C. is proud to announce that we have recently completed and passed the peer review program administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants. During this quality review, an independent CPA firm performs an onsite examination of our practice and of randomly selected client engagements to ensure that our audits are conducted in accordance with all prescribed rules, pronouncements, regulations, and statutes.
We are pleased that our firm has once again received the highest report. Manzi & Associates is committed to maintaining the highest level of standards to complement our experienced staff that specializes in ERISA, Non-Profit, and For-Profit auditing. I want to personally recognize their continued excellence in the performance of their duties. The congratulatory letter dated February 25, 2022, is attached for your reference.

Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center
We would like to take this opportunity to make you aware that Manzi & Associates LLC has joined the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center. As part of our Center membership requirements and our commitment to quality, Jeannie M. Mickel has been named the firm's designated partner in charge of ensuring the quality of our employee benefit plan services.
At Manzi & Associates LLC, we are committed to achieving the highest quality and most efficient audits possible with our specialied team of auditors. We have over 25 years of experience in performing employee benefit plan audits and audit the plans numerous funds.
We have joined the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center to gain access to comprehensive resrouces that will assist us in further enhancing the quality of your employee benefit plan audit. The Center membership will provide us timely information on a variety of technical, legislative and regulatory subjects that we can in turn apply to your employee benefit plan audit to help ensure compliance with the appropriate standards and changes in regulations.
By joining the Center, we are committing to adhere to the highest quality standards by voluntarily agreeing to the Center membership requirements, which include designating a partner responsible for our employee benefit plan audit practice, establishing quality control programs, performing annual internal inspection procedures, and making out peer review report findings publicly available.
Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center membership allows us to continue our quality initiatives within our employee benefit plan audit practice and emonstrates our continued commitment to deliver the reliable, accurate information you need to prepare your plan's summary annual report and confidently manage your plan.
For more information, please visit the Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center by clicking here.